Friday 30 September 2016

                                                                  Healthy Life

“I am joining the Saffolalife #ChhoteKadam initiative in association withBlogAdda and follow these small steps for a healthy heart.”
Staying Active
Trade Drinking for Dancing
A coffee shop or bar is often where friends catch up. Instead of a sedentary get-together, though, why not switch to an activity that burns calories, like walking, dancing, or a Zumba class with a gab-fest afterward? “Rather than another night of drinks, which will pack on empty calories and likely lead to overeating later, suggest a walk outside with your girlfriends or opt for a yoga class and tea date,” she says.
Of these activities, dancing is the big calorie burner, zapping more than 200 calories for every half-hour on the floor.
Sneak in Exercise During TV Time
Who says you have to sit idly on the couch during your favorite shows? Russell says you can make big strides by simply staying active. Try some jumping jacks, pushups, or other fat-blasting moves during commercial breaks. “Squeeze in exercise while watching TV or when the kids are napping,” Russell advises. “For example, aim to do two sets of push-ups and a round of abdominal exercises during commercials.”
If you want a bigger burn, keep up the light calisthenics for the whole 30-minute show, and blast 115 calories.

“I am joining the Saffolalife #ChhoteKadam initiative in association with BlogAdda and follow these small steps for a healthy heart.”

Eating Healthy
Eat Healthy Portion Sizes
In today's supersized world, it can be hard to know what a healthy portion looks like.
All the advertising we see seems to be aimed at encouraging us to eat and drink a lot.
Plate sizes in restaurants get bigger and bigger, as do the servings themselves.
So it's little wonder that many of us consume more than we need on a daily basis, as our eating habits have changed without us even realising it.
Try this: "Imagine a plate on the table in front of you," says Georgie.
"For the ideal lunch, a quarter of the plate would be taken up by lean protein, another quarter would be filled with low-GI or wholegrain carbs, and the remaining half would be filled with salad or vegetables."
For dinner, eat a little less than at lunch.
"The chances are that all you'll be doing after dinner is watching TV or going to bed, so you don't actually need a lot of energy," Georgie says.
Take a look at these articles on healthy breakfasts, healthy lunches, healthy dinners and healthy snacks for some great ideas.
Understand Healthy Eating-Out Options
Restaurants and cafes can seem like a minefield, not least because their portions are often much bigger than we need.
It's also tempting to go for the less healthy menu options. But that doesn't mean you can't put healthy eating habits in place when you're out with friends.
Georgie suggests using the plate-portioning guide (see above) to help you when eating out. And you don't have to eat everything on your plate!
Try this:
See if the restaurant's menu is available online and choose your meal before you go out.
Choose an entrée-sized dish for your main course and bump it up with a healthy side salad.
Ask for dressings and sauces to be served on the side.
Ask for rice or extra vegetables instead of chips.
Set aside half the dish and ask for it in a takeaway container

Being Happy
Consistent, long-term happiness depends on your ability to notice and appreciate the details; you can hone that skill right now.
Once you get everything you want, you will still be subject to life’s highs and lows. If you haven’t learned to enjoy the little things, your well-being will parallel your life’s circumstances. Every time something goes wrong, you’ll feel deeply unhappy (as opposed to disappointed, but determined to make the best of things).
Think about the things that fill you with the most joy—spending time with your pets, listening to the rain, and running on the beach, for example. Focus on those things right now, and let them brighten your day. That way, no matter what changes, you’ll have a variety of simple pleasures to help you through.
Every day is a new opportunity to be better than yesterday; that pursuit can increase your self-esteem and, accordingly, your happiness.
I used to be obsessed with being perfect. If I wasn’t the best at something, I couldn’t sleep at night. Becoming great never felt as good as I imagined it would because there was always room to be better. I was constantly dissatisfied and disappointed in myself.
I now look at the things I do as opportunities to get better from one day to the next. It’s more satisfying to set and meet an attainable goal, like focusing better and writing an extra article tomorrow, than it is to obsess about perfection, stressing because I’m not a world-famous author.
By focusing on small improvements and mini-goals, you’ll naturally move yourself toward your larger dreams. And you’ll respect the way you’re doing things.
You can be who you want to be right now, no matter what your situation looks like.
You may think life needs to change dramatically for you to be the person you want to be. That you can’t be giving unless you make more money. Or you can’t be adventurous until you sell your house. The truth is, you can be those things at any point in time.
So you don’t have money to share. Be generous with your compassion, and listen when your friends have problems. So your house hasn’t sold, pinning you in one place. Create adventure in your day by trying new things and introducing yourself to new people.
You never know when your nows will run out, so ask yourself, “How can I be that person I want to be in this moment?”
                                       What To Follow in life
“I am joining the Saffolalife #ChhoteKadam initiative in association withBlogAdda and follow these small steps for a healthy heart.”

Staying Active
Get a Dog
The arrival of a new pet, especially a dog, has been shown to increase the owner’s activity levels. “Getting a pet, like a dog, will give you another reason to get out and get active,” Gray says. “Pets need activity, and actually can be your own accountability friend to get at least a short walk in daily. Even if the dog only forces you to get up and let it out without going for a walk, you will have burned more calories than if you sat in front of the television all day.”
Like walking by yourself, walking a dog can help burn around 200 calories for every half-hour of exercise.

“I am joining the Saffolalife #ChhoteKadam initiative in association with BlogAdda and follow these small steps for a healthy heart.”
 Clean Your House
Cleaning your home or apartment regularly is another way to ensure that you stay active during the week. “Cleaning your house can incorporate a variety of muscle groups without you even realizing it,” Gaspari says. “Dragging around a heavy vacuum isn’t an easy task, especially if you are going up and down stairs.” Gaspari recommends going a step further and trying to “squeeze your buns every time you take a step.” While you’re taking a break, try tightening your abdominal muscles for a period of time throughout each hour, he adds.
A 150-pound person can burn 85 calories per half hour through light cleaning, while vigorous cleaning burns 102 calories in 30 minutes.
Cook at Home
Most people don’t think of cooking as exercise, but preparing food at home certainly burns more calories — and usually causes you to consume fewer calories — than eating out or ordering in. “The best way to control what goes in your mouth is to plan ahead and have a home-cooked meal,” Gray says. “This way, you know exactly what went into your meal, and I guarantee it can be prepared faster and less expensively than making that extra stop at a restaurant. Do your shopping and cooking on days when you have more time. That way, you’ll have the meal on hand and can resist the temptation of unhealthy choices.”
Plus, thanks to activity such as standing, light lifting, and chopping, a 150-pound person can blast 78 calories in 30 minutes of cooking.

Eating Healthy
1. Eat Healthy Unprocessed Food
Many of the packaged foods we buy today are aimed at convenience and involve the minimum of preparation time on our part - but they're not that healthy.
They often contain high amounts of preservatives, man-made colourings and other added chemicals, and as 12WBT dietitian Georgie Moore explains, there are other downsides.
"Packaged foods tend to be higher in fat, salt and sugar than food cooked from scratch, while lacking nutrients and fibre," she says.
Get into the habit of preparing meals from unprocessed foods and you will reap the health benefits.
This means cooking with fresh vegetables, lean meat, eggs and milk and eating plenty of fruit, nuts and legumes.
Try this: One of the best healthy eating habits you can put in place is to chuck out your toxic packaged and processed foods.
Instead, stock the pantry and shelves with beautiful fresh ingredients so they're at arm's reach when you're ready to eat.
2. Switch to Healthy Whole Grains
Whole grains offer far more nutrients and fibre than their refined "white" varieties.
And in a 2012 study at the University of Copenhagen, researchers found that overweight people who ate wholegrain wheat products lost more weight than those who ate refined wheat, and they also came out with lower cholesterol.
"Whole grains tend to have a lower GI (glycaemic index), so they help keep you feeling fuller for longer and maintain your energy levels and concentration," Georgie says.
On the taste side, whole grains have more texture, flavour and nuttiness than refined ones.
Try this: As a fast and simple way to improve your eating habits, choose wholemeal or wholegrain bread next time you hit the bakery And in the supermarket, buy brown rice instead of white, and wholegrain pasta.Adding whole grains such as quinoa and buckwheat to salads and other meals will add a heap of nutrients.
You can find these in a health food store or the health food aisle of your supermarket.

3. Change to Healthy Cooking Methods
The more you "do" to your food, the less it does for you.
So avoid things like deep-frying, which drenches your food in unnecessary calories, and boiling vegetables until they're drained of colour, as this will sap them of nutrients.
Try this:
Grill or barbecue meat, fish and vegetables.
Stir-fry meat and vegetables, using just a little olive oil or a light spray of cooking oil.
Steam vegetables until they're lightly crunchy.
Use herbs, spices and ground pepper instead of salt.
Use balsamic vinegar or lemon juice instead of salad dressing.
Make your own sauces rather than using bottled or sachet versions - for example, using fresh tomatoes as your base combined with herbs and spices.

Being Happy
Finding joy in the present moment, no matter how inadequate it may seem, makes a difference in other people’s lives.
Though we all have different lists of dreams and goals, for most of us this is at the forefront: the possibility of living a meaningful life that affects other people for the better.
Happiness is a moment-to-moment choice, one that many have a hard time making. Other people will notice if you make that choice. And you will motivate them to do the same. As the research above indicates, this motivation has a substantial impact on their health and future happiness.
I know this isn’t your usual reasons-to-be-happy post. It didn’t start or end with “count your blessings” and I didn’t delve into your relationships or good fortune. There’s a very good reason for that.
I don’t think happiness is so much about what you have. What you have changes; your “blessings” evolve. Happiness is about how you interpret what’s in front of you. How proud you are of the way you live your life. How willing you are to enjoy simple pleasures, even if things aren’t perfect.
Though I have’t always done this well, today I choose to focus on the good—both in the world and myself—to feel happy right now. How will you tune into happiness today?